2024 NECO Geography Questions and Answers: Free Expo Now Available

2024 NECO Geography Questions and Answers: Free Expo Now Available

2024 NECO Geography Questions and Answers: Free Expo Now Available

2024 NECO Geography Questions and Answers: Free Expo Now Available

Are you preparing for the 2024 NECO Geography June Exams and in need of reliable resources? Look no further! AYOMITECH offers a Free NECO Expo 2024 with verified Questions And Answers for various subjects including Mathematics, English, and literature in English, catering to arts, science, and commercial students.

Congratulations on finding the ultimate solution to your exam preparation needs! AYOMITECH, the trusted Exam Specialists, have assisted numerous candidates in Nigeria to successfully pass various examinations, ensuring admission to their preferred universities.

The Correct 2024 NECO Geography Questions and Answers are now available. Our team of experts meticulously analyzed and solved the NECO Geography expo questions, providing accurate answers aligned with the marking scheme to help you achieve the highest possible score.

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NECO Geography Theory (Essay) Answers

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(i) Core: Innermost layer, about 3476km wide all round, consists largely of iron and nickel, divisible into inner and outer core, found in a molten state, reservoir of minerals to the other zones.
(ii) Mantle: middle layer, surrounds the core, about 2897km thick, composed of very dense rocks, rocks are rich in olivine basalt.

(iii) Crust: Lies above the mantle, outer layer, consists of granitic and basaltic rocks, varies in thickness from place to place , divisible into 2-sial and sima, forms soil, sustains life.

(i) Provides a habitat for plants and animals: The surface layer of the Earth’s crust provides a stable and habitable environment for a wide range of organisms. It provides the necessary conditions for life, such as sunlight, water, and nutrients.
(ii) Source of minerals: The surface layer of the Earth’s crust contains a variety of minerals that are essential for human activities. These minerals include metals, such as iron, copper, and gold, as well as non-metallic minerals, such as sand, gravel, and clay.
(iii) Source of water: The surface layer of the Earth’s crust is home to a variety of water bodies, including oceans, lakes, rivers, and aquifers. These water bodies provide essential resources for human consumption, agriculture, and industry.
(iv) Supports human activities: The surface layer of the Earth’s crust provides a stable foundation for human activities, such as agriculture, construction, and transportation. It also provides scenic beauty and recreational opportunities.
(v) Regulates the Earth’s climate: The surface layer of the Earth’s crust plays a role in regulating the Earth’s climate. It absorbs and reflects solar radiation, and it stores and releases heat.
(vi) Protects the Earth from harmful radiation: The surface layer of the Earth’s crust provides protection from harmful radiation from the sun and other sources. It absorbs and scatters this radiation, reducing its impact on the Earth’s surface.



Mode Of Formation: Igneous rocks are formed by the cooling and solidification of molten rocks called magma, ejected from beneath the earth’s crust. The magma which results from high temperature and pressure beneath the earth, forces itself towards the earth’s surface through cracks. As the magma moves towards the surface, it comes in contact with lower temperature, hence it cools and solidifies to form Igneous Rocks. A very good example of them are Basalt and Granite.

(i) They are either acidic or basic.
(ii) They are usually hard and impervious.
(iii) They do not contain fossils.
(iv) They do not occur in layers, i.e. they are non-stratified rocks.
(v) Igneous Rocks are crystalline in structures, i.e. they contain crystals.
(vi) They vary in Colour (light or dark).

(i) Igneous rocks like granite, basalt, and gabbro are used as building materials for their strength and durability.
(ii) Igneous rocks like marble, quartz, and obsidian are used for decorative purposes, such as countertops, flooring, and sculptures.
(iii) Igneous rocks like pumice and basalt are used as abrasives for cleaning and polishing surfaces.
(iv) Igneous rocks are used as aggregate in concrete, asphalt, and road construction.
(v) Igneous rocks like granite and basalt are used as dimension stone for architectural purposes.



Climate is defined as the average weather conditions of a place over a long period of time (35 years).


Convectional Rainfall: Convectional rainfall occurs in the area intensively heated. Hot/Warm air, accompanied by a rise in relative humidity takes place. The rising air becomes saturated and water vapour condenses woth cloud being formed quickly. This results im heavy rains, accompanied by thunder and lightning. It is short-lived and characterised by heavy winds, lightning and thunder. Convectional rainfall is always torrential or heavy, accompanied by lightning and thunder.


Geography answers

Cyclonic Rainfall: Also Known as Frontal rainfall is caused by meeting of two air masses, which are different in terms of origin and characteristics. Warm, light, moisture ladden air rises above cold and dense air. Ascent of the warn air, cooling takes place and condensation occurs. Cloud formation and precipitation follow. Cyclonic rainfall is characterised by fronts and weather system in mid latitudes.




A caldera is the landform that exists after the structural support for a volcano has weakened and the surface of the volcano has collapsed. If enough magma is expelled from a volcano, the walls of the volcano collapse in on themselves and what remains is the caldera, a sort-of sinkhole.


(i) Sills: These are sheet-like intrusions that form when magma is injected between parallel layers of sedimentary rock. Sills are concordant intrusions, meaning they run parallel to the existing rock layers.
(ii) Dikes: These are sheet-like intrusions that cut across existing rock layers. Dikes are discordant intrusions, meaning they intrude at an angle to the existing rock layers.
(iii) Laccoliths: These are mushroom-shaped intrusions that form when viscous magma pushes up sedimentary layers, causing them to bulge upwards. The hardened magma forms a dome-shaped structure with a flat base.
(iv)Stocks are smaller, discordant plutons that are similar to batholiths but have a smaller surface exposure, usually less than 100 square kilometers. They are often formed as offshoots of larger batholiths or as independent intrusions.
(v) Batholiths: These are the largest type of pluton, often covering hundreds or thousands of square kilometers. They are typically composed of granite or granodiorite and form the core of many mountain ranges.
(vi) Volcanic necks: These are cylindrical intrusions that form when magma solidifies within the conduit of a volcano. When the surrounding volcanic cone erodes away, the hardened magma in the neck is left standing as a prominent landform.



River Capture: Also called river piracy or river beheading, refers to two parallel consequent rivers with tributaries separated by a more powerful river and with presence of wind gap. E.g River Ogunpa in Ibadan, Nigeria.

River Rejuvenation: A river is said to be rejuvenated when it is given a new lease of of life or being young again i.e. an extra power of erosion. This happens when the base level of the river falls, either because the land is uplifted or because the level of the sea falls.

(i) Solution: Some rock materials dissolve in water and are carried in solution from the upper to lower course of the river.
(ii) Suspension: Here, the lighter particles of solid materials are carried in suspension as the water flows.
(iii) Saltation: In this process, larger particles are moved in series of hops or jumps along the stream bed.


Environmental resources are natural components or substances that support life on Earth. They include all living and non-living elements of the environment that provide benefits and sustenance to humans and other species.

(i) Water
(ii) Air
(iii) Soil
(iv) Forests
(v) Wildlife
(vi) Minerals

Renewable resources are natural resources that can be naturally replenished over a short time scale (typically within a human lifetime). They are not depleted permanently and can be used sustainably without exhausting their supply.

(i) Solar energy
(ii) Wind energy
(iii) Water (in most cases)
(iv) Biomass (e.g., wood, crops)
(v) Geothermal energy
(vi) Tidal energy



(i) Remote sensing: Satellite imagery, aerial photography, and other remotely sensed data provide valuable information about the Earth’s surface and features.
(ii) Field surveys: On-the-ground data collection through surveys, sampling, and measurements can provide detailed and accurate information about specific locations.
(iii) Census data: Demographic and socioeconomic data collected by government agencies can be used to create GIS layers related to population density, income levels, and other social indicators.
(iv) Historical maps and documents: Archival records and historical maps can provide valuable insights into past landscapes and changes over time.
(v) Crowdsourcing: Data collected from online platforms, such as OpenStreetMap, can contribute to GIS databases and provide real-time information about various aspects of the environment.
(vi) Statistical data: Data from government agencies, research institutions, and other sources can be used to create GIS layers that represent statistical information, such as crime rates or disease incidence.

(i) Natural resource management: GIS can be used to map and analyze natural resources, such as forests, water bodies, and minerals, to support conservation and sustainable use.
(ii) Land use planning: GIS helps planners visualize and analyze land use patterns, identify suitable areas for development, and manage zoning regulations.
(iii) Transportation planning: GIS can be used to design and optimize transportation networks, including roads, railways, and public transportation systems.
(iv) Emergency management: GIS can provide real-time information during emergencies, such as natural disasters or public health crises, to support decision-making and response efforts.
(v) Public health: GIS can be used to analyze disease patterns, identify high-risk areas, and develop strategies for improving public health outcomes.
(vi) Marketing and business analysis: GIS can help businesses analyze market trends, identify customer demographics, and optimize distribution networks.

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